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Reconnect To Your Soul Purpose

Residential Retreat: November 02 to 04th at Wasing Estate 


“Begin to weave and the Divine will provide the thread” Old Proverb. 

We enter the world as seekers, and what we need to find the most is the uniqueness of our own souls. Each life is a surprising pilgrimage intended to arrive at the centre of the pilgrim’s soul.

Although it has mostly been forgotten in the modern world, each soul bears an inborn purpose and a natural way of being from the beginning. Each person born is intended to bring something meaningful to the world. When everything seems to be falling apart, we must turn all the way inside in order to find the threads of meaning and purpose that are woven into our very being. When we follow our soul’s inner thread, it becomes clearer that the changes so urgently needed in the outside world have to begin with meaningful changes in the souls of those born into these troubled times.

Are you living your true life? Have you learned about the gift you are here to live through? Do you know the resonance of your own truth?

The retreat is a three-day journey of remembrance. It is a space for each participant to reconnect to their inner truth and to reclaim the gift they arrived at this world with

Why Join Us?

  • Being in right relationship with life means inhabiting our gift and living life in alignment with the sacred contract we made before we were born.
  • When we are cut off from our own soul purpose, it’s hard to speak our truth or to be alive in our own life.
  • Come if you are looking to rewrite your life narrative to one that is more attuned to the beat of your heart.
  • Your thirst to live a more connected life and to welcome more joy in your life can no longer be denied.

What to Expect

  • Through stories, we will come together, to explore the bigger story of our existence and trace the thread of our own gift in our current life.
  •  Through movements, colour, sound and shamanic rituals, we will touch the places of rupture and departure from our medicine, and we will give voice to what is needed to mend it
  •  Through Constellation, we will bring movement to the intergenerational wisdom available through the wounding. We will bear witness to our ancestor’s struggles and reclaim the gift of life with their blessing.
  • We will seek the guidance and support of colour medicine to help us open up to the truth of who we are so we can become.
  • We will practice the ways to breathe and restore our connection to the precious parts of ourselves.
  • We will sing, we will dance, we will retreat, we will cry. We will bear witness to each other journey.

Our Journey Together

With love and compassion, we step into a sacred and brave space where time stands still and our journey of remembrance begins.

Expect stories, laughter, connections, dance, restorative movements, joyful breath and plenty of good food as you colour in between and outside the lines throughout our time together.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.


Accommodation, Venue & Food:

We are staying at the Wasing Estate, one of the most beautiful natural places in Berkshire. It has woodlands, an open swimming pond, and plenty of natural delights.

We will stay at the Farm House, which has 06 bedrooms, accommodating 12 people, a living room, a sitting area, and a kitchen. Two participants will share each room.

Your facilitators


One of our core values is inclusion.  A “one price for all” structure does not enable full participation. Those who don’t have a lot of money either can’t join, or the price is set so low that the programme is not financially viable.

We offer a flexible pricing model.  Look at the range given below, find a contribution that works for you, in line both with what you can afford whilst recognising what we are bringing you. The fees are inclusive of accommodation (2 people sharing) and meals for the duration of the retreat:

  • Access Fee: £1100
  • Sustainability Fee: £ 1300
  • Generosity Fee: £1450
"We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses"
Carl Jung

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